White House, TN
Home MenuPurchasing
The City’s purchasing policy allows the following processes for each threshold amount:
Bid Type | Amount Range |
Quotes | $0.01 - $9,999.99 |
Mandatory (3) Quotes Minimal | $10,000 - $24,999.99 |
Sealed Bids | $25,000+ |
Any firm attempting to influence the selection process by contacting an elected official or employee of the City of White House shall be disqualified from this process. The City reserves the right to reject any and all submittals. The City may reject any or all of the submittals on any basis and without disclosure of a reason. The failure to make such a disclosure shall not result in accrual of any right, claim, or cause of action by any unsuccessful bidder against the City of White House.
The City shall not accept a proposal from a contractor or firm who is in default on the payment of taxes, licenses, or other outstanding monies due to the City. Therefore, bid requests are voided as to any person or business in default on said payments.
The individual or firm awarded a project if the City so chooses to award the project, must obtain and retain throughout the life of the project current licenses within the City, State, and other jurisdictions as required. Please contact the Business Licenses Department at 615-672-4350 ext. 2100 and Planning and Codes Department at 615-672-4350 ext. 2120 for any questions on obtaining required licenses and permits.
It is the policy of the City of White House not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability in its hiring and employment practices, or in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services, and activities. In addition, the City of White House does not discriminate based on race, color, or national origin in federal or state-sponsored programs, pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d).